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「深圳私家侦探公司取证一般需要多少钱」话题7 感情(Personal emotions)


话题 7 感情(Personal emotions)⑻庀喙卮驶 名词 1.感情 feeling 2.怒;愤怒 anger 3.担忧;焦虑 anxiety 4.奉献;奉献精蓈otion 5.表达;词句;说法;表情 expression 6.害怕;恐惧;担忧 fear/terror 7.欢乐;高兴;乐趣 joy 8.高兴;愉快 pleasure/happiness 9.自豪;骄傲 pride 10.遗憾的事;羞愧 shame 11.激情;热情;酷爱 passion 12.压力;絪tress/pressure 13.感激;感谢 gratitude/thank 14.恐慌;慌乱 panic 15.忧伤 sadness/sorrow 形容词 1. 值得赞扬的;可敬佩的 admirable 2.令人愉悦的;舒适的 pleasant 3.心烦意乱的;侥 tense 4.有牵连的;担心的 concerned 5.乐观的 optimistic6.积极的;媚 positive/defined 7.负面的;消极的 negative 8.满意的 satisfied 9.热情的 enthusiastic 10.悲伤的 sorrowful 11.心碎的 heart-broken 12.遗憾的 regretful 13.难堪的 embarrassed 14.困籧onfused 15.烦闷的 annoyed 16.漳;漳 shocked 17.焦急的;忧虑的 anxious 18.全散的;一心一意的 absorbed 19.坚綿etermined 20.乐意的;愿意的 willing 21.受到鼓舞的;有灵感的 inspired/encouraged 动词 1.承受;负担;忍受 bear/stand 2.瞪眼;怒目而视 glare/glare at 3.哭泣;羨eep 4.叹气;叹息 sigh 5.嫉妒 envy 6.战胜;克服 overcome 7.钦佩;赞赏;羡慕 admire 8.抱怨;诉苦 complain9.表达;表示;表情 express/convey 10.使恐惧;吓唬 frighten 11.使烦恼;使恼怒 annoy 12.使窘迫;使尴尬 embarrass ⑻庀喙卮首 1.对……满意 be satisfied/pleased with 2.高兴地篆 be delighted to do 3.喜欢自篆为乐 take a pleasure in doing 4.对……感到失望、歉疚 be sorry for 5.为某人生气 be angry about/be angry with... 6.盼望;期待 look forward to sth./doing sth. 7.灰心;泄气 lose heart 8.住?交换、回报 in return (for sth.) 9.安详地 in peace 10.梦见;渴望 dream of/about 11.关心;担心;在意 care about 12.令人吃惊的是 to one's surprise/in surprise ⒂镁湫 1.离婚是十分难过的,尤其是牵涉到小孩的时篋ivorce is very painful, especially when children are concerned. 2.查理看上去好匣样。

Charlie looked as if he were about to burst into tears. 3.衣见不到她,他很早就到了车站。 He got to the station early, for fear of missing her. 4.你真的不必担忧你的体重。 You've really got no need to worry about your weight.5.我一享为一名称职的老师而骄傲。 I have long prided myself on being a good teacher. 6.我苦苦思饲些数字「情感话题」,想要找呈不见了的钱。 I've been puzzled over all the figures, trying to find what happened to the missing money. 7.我们度过了几周焦急等待考试结果的日子。 We had an anxious couple of weeks waiting for the test results. ⒆ 在学习跟生活中「情感话题」,你育的开心和痛苦失望的事,请用英语描 戍的经历。